Monday, September 25, 2017


So a strange (although that's probably not the precise word) development here during my first week in Paris. (Because of some mix up and communication issues, I'm still at the first apartment and cat sitting; I'm off to the other flat later this afternoon though where I can set up shop for three full weeks. It will be nice to unpack my clothes fully, to stock the cupboards with food and wine, and basically set up "home" for my remaining stay. It feel like it's already moving too fast!) I've mostly been sleeping well, but I've been having some of the craziest dreams - and about a couple of different women that I haven't thought of for years, and ones that I've had crushes on in the past. One of them is someone I've seen a couple of times over the last few weeks at two different events - she's not someone I technically "know" as I've never had a conversation with her, and she wouldn't know me from Adam, but she's someone I "know of." We travel in similar circles, basically.

Can there be a simple explanation for this? I don't have an answer. Maybe it's tied to the fact I'm spending a lot of time alone right now, and I crave some (mainly female) companionship? Does it have anything to do with the Bordeaux I'm drinking, or the fresh baguettes I'm gobbling up? I'm not complaining about this development, of course. It's just interesting to note, and something I'm going to pay attention to. (I don't usually chronicle my dreams, which means I usually forget them fully a few hours after I awake.)

Otherwise the first week has been a good one. I've got some work done, I've done some running (along the Seine no less), I've had some good food and wine, I cycled around the city this past weekend. In some ways I still feeling I'm settling in to a pace - hopefully by the time I do fully settle in, it won't be time to leave!

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