Sunday, July 6, 2008

Living conditions

The big news of the week (aside from that absolutely brilliant Wimbledon final today; but I worry my readers aren't rabid tennis fans like myself, so I'll resist the temptation to wax eloquent on the sublime performances of Federer and the newly crowned Wimbledon champ Nadal - not to mention that my lovely girlfriend has a crush on Nadal...) is that I'm being evicted from my apartment. Eviction sounds harsh, as if I've been operating a grow-op or prostitution ring, but what it basically means is that I have to move. My landlord wrote me a note that she's moving her mother into the apartment, so therefore I have to move. Is it true that she needs the place for her mother? Who the hell knows - but she has all the official forms to enact it, so I'm outta here.

I'll admit, it was a shock, even though I had been thinking about moving for a while. I wanted to do it on my terms, however, and not somebody else's. Although her letter gave me until Sept. 1 to haul my ass out of here, she did add that if I needed 90 days to settle myself, that would be ok too. (We're still in a minor dispute about first and last month's rent, but that's an argument I must win since I did pay a deposit when I first moved here three years ago.) So at least I will be here over the summer, albeit much of it might be spent figuring out the logistics of the move. (I'm planning on doing a big purge - stay tuned, as I will write about turning myself in a true minimalist.) What happens after that, you ask? Good question.

The way I see it, I'm encountering three options:

1. Find another affordable apartment to rent.
2. Buy a place of my own (most likely a townhouse or condo).
3. Move in with my partner.

Let's tackle all three.

1. Finding another affordable apartment to rent. On the surface, seems to make the most sense. After all, what are my motivations to own property? It's not like I have heirs (yet) to pass on a legacy. Moreover, is "equity" important to me? It's not like I'm going to be retiring (most likely ever), so I don't need property as a nest-egg. Basically my RSPs are my financial backbone. Why not continue to rent and have others deal with homeowner issues like property taxes, hydro costs and repairs? We're also supposed to be in a renter's market, so finding a relatively cheap apartment in a good part of the city shouldn't be a chore. Negatives: the great unknown of a building and/or landlord; should a near-40-year old still be renting and not owning?; what are the chances I'll find a sweet deal that I have here in this apt.?

2. Buy a place of my own. Also makes sense. I'm pushing the proverbial 4-0. I'm tired of being beholden to a landlord (particularly a lazy one that doesn't do a damn thing to improve my living conditions). If I want to paint or make changes to the place, I just do them, without thought. I'm ultimately responsible for my living space, and any money I put into the place is an investment. My monthly payments go toward "owning," not leasing. And interest rates are ridiculously low right now. Ownership - I even like the way the word sounds. Negatives: most likely having to ask the parents for a loan to help with the down payment; only places I'll be able to afford are a condo or townhouse, and I hate the idea of paying maintenance fee; what happens if my job situation changes and I'm out on the street looking for work?

3. Move in with my partner. Makes sense. We get along famously, and living together would be a natural extension of our relationship. It's something we've been discussing for a while, largely because it's a bitch when we don't spend every evening together. We're ridiculously compatible, and groove to each other's company. Emotionally, we'd both thrive. Not to mention the plus of shared expenses. Negatives: much farther distance-wise from my work (requiring a long bike commute, and/or taking the transit); moving into "her space" rather than a new, neutral space; concerns about the cat.

Basically the decision has been made. Can you guess?

1 comment:

j-love said...

Sucks about the eviction! That is the exact circumstance that precipitated my move in with the ex... to his space... in the 'burbs... But I think your experience will be much better than mine! Assuming of course that you choose Door #3.


ps I think Nadal is hot too!!