Friday, March 10, 2017

Some idle thoughts

Another work week is just about in the books - there's still this afternoon to get through. It wasn't my most successful week by any measure, but I did what needed to get done, so perhaps there's a small victory in there! I'm off to NYC next week, which will be much busier. And then from there, down to Florida where I'll be able to feel the sand on my feet. Needless to say, there's much therapeutic value in that for me.

I am a little angry at myself for not writing more. Not to mention I have no one to blame but myself! I had thought I would be able to write in the mornings, but there's been so much inconsistency so far with my mornings. Basically the routine I had in mind - wake up around 8, get some writing in before breakfast, and then do my research work after eating while having my coffee - hasn't quite panned out. I'm not waking up all that early, for one: I seem to be lounging in bed far longer than predicted, although I'll chalk that up to the continuing winter and the warmth of the bed sheets over the cold of the hardwood floor! I'm guessing that the warmer weather to come will aid on hauling my ass out a mite earlier. I'm also feeling ... well, largely unmotivated to write right now. I guess I'm going through a good long stretch of contentment - while good for my overall mood, it's not so good for creating a mood for writing! I guess I need a little bit of angst to help fuel me. Surely the contentment can't be chronic!

I bought a new journal when I was in San Francisco at the Museum of Modern Art - the cover is a Magritte painting - but I've barely filled a page yet. I had thought I could make that the paper source for the "Morning Papers" that I hoped to do - let's make that happen.

In short, this post is mostly about me whining!

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