Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Random musings

I've long been a fan of the two-beer buzz. Tonight, I've become a fan of the four-beer buzz... Ah yes, it's the holiday season. Was out with my friend M. tonight, chatting about books and miscellany. (He gave me a nice compliment, saying that I was one of the few friends he knew that was a ferocious fan of fiction. And maybe alliteration.)

I was telling him I picked up a Michael Ignatieff book from the library today, to better acquaint myself with the person that might well be our Prime Minister. (He can't be any worse than the awful Stephen Harper.) I have a mild soft spot for Igantieff, mainly because I saw him in line at the Indigo book store in Manulife Centre a couple of years ago after he lost the Liberal Party leadership. He was just standing there, in this huge holiday-season line, like everybody else - like a Canadian, in other words. (That was a strange day for me because, about an hour before that, I ran into a woman I had dated and then a woman I lusted after in high school. And then chatted with a woman I had a huge crush on, who has since become a friend. Yes, it was one of those days.) Rather than read one of his non-fiction works, I took out one of his novels: Scar Tissue, which was shortlisted for the Booker back in the early 90s. (How many politicians can claim that on their resume?) After all, there's more truth in fiction than non-fiction, no? What better way to get some insight into the guy's soul.

It's been added to the queue.

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