Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Speculating on the year that will be

Back when we were in our early 20s, my best friend H. and I used to have the same resolution every new year. Simply, it was "less fretting, more fucking." (I think the two were intertwined: it reasons that we were probably fretting because we weren't doing enough fucking. Ah, such simple times...) Over the past few years, I've resisted creating a laundry list of new year's resolutions, probably because they seemed to be so cliche. (Lose weight! Eat healthier! Live every day as if it's your last!) Still, putting up a new calendar on the kitchen wall does seem like a good opportunity to set a few (hopefully attainable) goals. So in that spirit...

But before we get to that, perhaps a recap of last year's goals and my success at attaining them. Unfortunately, I can't remember them! Thinking back, I'm not even sure I indulged in the exercise last December. If I did, they probably revolved around things like taking better advantage of the city's pleasures, such as its music, its theatre, its bars, etc. I think I was partially successful: I attended more live music shows in 2008 than in past years, attended the opera (including finally seeing my favourite of all time, The Marriage of Figaro; thankfully it was a great production), and tried some new bars. I'm also sure exploring new music was on there too. I'm happy to report that my knowledge of interesting Canadian music has skyrocketed since the end of last year. Oh, I'm sure "less fretting and more fucking" was somewhere on the list. I think I did ok there...

I'm sure there are some goals I set that I didn't meet. Writing more, for one, immediately springs to mind. And running a marathon (which I think I've put as a goal every year since I started running seriously), although I was in some previous serious shape by the end of the summer. But overall, I think 2008 was one of my better years. I'm feeling very positive and (yes) happy as we approach the last few hours of the calendar year. I can honestly say that, as I look back on the year, there's nothing that I feel bad about not accomplishing.

That said, I've been thinking about some of my 2009 goals. (This year is also shaping up to be a somewhat momentous one, largely because I'm approaching a "milestone" birthday - ie., one that ends in zero - and because I'll finally get these braces off my teeth, resulting in the straightest teeth I've ever had. Watch for those incoming, full-toothed smiles. Topics for another post, however.) It's probably best to split these into categories like "easily attainable," "more difficult" and "geez, that's a longshot, but you never know." (I reserve the right to revisit this list, of course, as more come to my head.)

Easily attainable:
- Writing more. I feel good about my personal writing going into 2009, that I'm gaining some momentum both with this blog and my writing outside it. I've even been writing some poetry, although it's mostly hackneyed garbage. But fun to write, nonetheless.
- Reading more "classics." I think this is a holdover from a couple of years ago when I had this idea that I'd split my reading equally into contemporary works with acknowledged classics that I "should" (bad word) read. Like Tolstoy or Dickens or Proust or Cervantes. The problem is that I get intimidated by the huge tomes many of these great writers produced (not to mention they ain't easy to carry in a shoulder bag), but I'm hoping to conquer that fear.
- Discovering more "contemporary classical music." Since this year was about new Canadian music, next year should be about more challenging modern music. Reading Alex Ross' wonderful The Rest is Noise fueled my interest.
- See more theatre. A holdover from this year. Except for the opera, my theatre viewing in 2008 was pathetic.
- To make better use of my immediate after-work hours. This could mean indulging myself at a cafe or bar for an hour or so immediately after work rather than rushing home. This falls under another long-held (and partially achieved) goal of taking better advantage of the city's offerings.
- Throwing away socks the minute I discover a hole. Along with this, cutting my toenails more often...
- Keeping a clutter-free, more minimalist home. Moving helped since it allowed me to cull a lot of junk, but I can still do better.
- To exhibit more patience.
- To make a new friend or two. Odd how difficult it is to make new friends as we get older, although that's also a reflection on me: it takes me some time to feel comfortable with a newcomer.
- To play more guitar. I need new strings.
- To take more photos. I'm going to carry my camera around more often.
- Less fretting, more fucking. (An old chestnut.)

More difficult goals:
- To travel more. This is not out of desire, but more out of finances. The big excursion plan for the year is Argentina. Stay tuned!
- To publish a creative work of writing. Or, at the very least, to begin sending out some of my work. Ah yes, to end up in a slush pile.
- Write some songs. I usually get embarrassed when I try to attach a melody and some lyrics to the chords I like to strum, but I need to get over it and just give it a go. (Hello GarageBand on the Mac!)

Longshot goals:

Happy New Year to one and all! See you in 2009.

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