Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dawn of a new era

It would be impossible for me to craft a poignant post that would capture my feelings on the Obama presidency. (It would be a lot easier to write about how I feel about the outgoing administration. But I want to look forward, not behind - and, really, I can't quite capture the moment as well as a sign that was held up when Bush was getting on the helicopter that would take him out of the capital: "Heck of a job, Bushie." Pithy, and perfect in the denunciation of the worst presidency of my life.) This is a man I've been following for over 4 years, even before he gave the famous speech at the Democratic National Convention. I remember seeing him interviewed pre-speech, and thinking, Wow, this man is impressive. And after watching the speech, I remember telling my then-partner M., "That man is going to be the first black president in the United States in our lifetime." Of course even I couldn't predict it would be so soon!

Everything he's done since the election has done nothing to diminish my hope. And yes, let's not be afraid to use that word, hope. Let's not expect miracles, but there's nothing wrong with having some hope in the future. There's such a wonderful sense of optimism right now - it's infectious. Let's ride it out for a while, see how it fits.

The one thing I took away from his speech was a two-word phrase: non-believer. He included the scores of us who are not affiliated with any religion, saying we are part of the mosaic. It was nice to be included, so thank you President Obama. I look forward to eight years of your presidency.

Hail to the chief.

1 comment:

Aunty Christ said...

I'm glad you're following, and liking what you see. I think I've commented to you before that I never hear a whisper about Canadian politics down here--nor do I seek out such information, being accustomed to having pabulum spoon-fed me, as I am.

Anyway, yes. I'm getting a sense of what I've heard those who lived through the Kennedy Administration talk about: The excitement of having a young, adorable family in the White House. And another thing: Everyone wants to claim him as their own. He makes black people proud to be black, young people proud to be young, social advocates and volunteers proud to give, and everyone filled with the idea that the world is new again, and maybe, just as we were running out of hope, there's something to live for. Best of all, we don't have to be embarrassed to be Americans anymore. Or not as much anyway. If Bush and Cheney get thrown in jail for war crimes, that'll ice the cake for sure.

Oh, and I adore Michelle. Going back to what I said above, I feel like this is my own personal type's achievement. I'm delusional, of course, but: Let's hear it for the smart girls in the house. Whoop whoop.

Anyway. Just wanted to echo your excitement. After the last eight years, what a relief.