Sunday, January 11, 2009

The forgotten post

Although I no longer consider myself a professional writer, I'm almost always writing in my head. That tends to be my internal dialogue: bits and pieces of words, sentences, fragments that I eventually hope to jot down. That's but one of the reasons why I wanted to revive this blog: I was hoping to get some of those words into some coherent form. The last few days, for example, I've been carrying around a post in my head about money. It's meant to be an expository piece about my feelings about the filthy lucre. It's partly inspired by a couple of lines from the first page of the novel I'm currently reading, All the Sad Young Literary Men:

"To be poor in New York was humiliating, a little, but to be young - to be young was divine. If you'd had more money than they had that year, you'd simply have grown old faster."

Basically this reminds me of my early days living in the city, post-undergrad: I was 22, had little money, didn't necessarily aspire to have big money, and struggled. Happily, however. I have wonderful memories of that time in my life, despite the struggles. Or maybe because of them?

Yet, I'm still struggling to find the requisite time and energy to craft interesting posts. (I'm also struggling somewhat with motivation: my readership is pretty much anemic. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm doing this blog for myself, and that any outside eyes is icing.) I should make more of an effort to write in the mornings when I first awake (I'm one of those annoying morning people), although since the holidays I've been going to bed later than usual, and thus struggling to drag my head off the pillow when the radio turns on in the early hours of the day.

So the post about money will be coming soon. I have such an evolving relationship with money, so stay tuned!

On the plus side, it's been a good weekend. Two wonderful meals with the lovely A. (chicken in the slow cooker on Friday - I'm going to buy my own slow cooker, mostly to make a stew - and tasty fish last night), a couple of films (Atonement, which is a good adaptation of one of a great novel, and Rachel Getting Married last night at the Revue), some face time with the family (my brother came over with my dad this morning to pick up the computer I'm giving to my niece, so we went to the bluegrass brunch at the Dakota Tavern), a good run in the park this afternoon, put some furniture and electronics on craig's list (I'm continually purging, in the hopes that I'll be a minimalist) and now relaxing this evening. Not sure yet what this coming week will bring.

Listening to: Godspeed, You Black Emperor (I'm still disappointed I didn't get to see them play at the Bloor St. Cinema a few years back)
Reading: All the Sad Young Literary Men
Watching: See films above.

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