Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Strange day today. A big chunk of it was doing what I would call grunt work: essentially mindless work that a chimp could do (except it required some knowledge of Spanish; reading Bolano in English translation hasn't helped much). But toward the end of it, despite some uneasy feelings leftover from yesterday when a colleague said "pink slips" (that was not related to job losses), I was told that, despite the continuing economic woes, my job is guaranteed for at least another two years. Two-year tenure - woo hoo! Of course I'm still up for another job, and will continue to follow through on that. (If nothing else, it's always good experience to go through the job interview process.) And who knows, I may still be tempted to leave. But it's nice to have some sense of security. Plans can be made.

Is it fair to be happy?

You and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead

Listening to: Let it Be (Naked) - The Beatles

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