Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Revert back to real life

Perhaps not surprising, given that I'm back to work this week after three full weeks off (not to mention almost a week of sick days taken over a two-week period prior to that to rid myself of that nasty flu), I've fallen a bit behind on the January Cure. Assignment #3 and #4 were released the past two days, and I've mostly ignored them. I'm not sure the third assignment would have been productive: I've already spent a lot of time contemplating my space, and I'm not convinced looking at my apartment from a "new" angle would reveal anything I don't already know. But assignment #4 is an important one, and again one that I've sort-of been enacting for the past week or so. I've always been frustrated with clutter, although I can be prone to it. (It's so easy to dump stuff - mail, magazines, newspapers, etc. - on my kitchen table.) Usually what happens is that I allow clutter to accumulate, and then when I can't handle looking at it anymore, I sweep in and do a big purge. But I like the idea of creating a space for my crap - I've actually already set aside a bag and have put a couple of things inside. Who knows, maybe I will indeed manage to pare my belongings so that I can everything in to about eight boxes if/when I move. Probably an impossible goal, but who knows.

The other big activity this past weekend was doing an initial browse for a new couch. I went to a (somewhat) local shop on Sunday and poked around the showroom. It was a fun activity, and during it I made a decision: that I want to replace all my furniture this year, not just the tattered, worn couch. Basically I want to dump all my Ikea furniture for "real" furniture. I'm not going to do it all in one fell swoop - rather I'll try to replace one piece every month, allowing me to really ponder a new look and feel to my space. I'm not in a rush, after all, but I am looking forward to the eventual transformation.

That said, work really does get in the way of an apartment reorganization.

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