Friday, January 24, 2014

Taking stock

There seems little point in recapping all of the January Cure assignments one by one since I haven't really done any of them for over a week! But for those keeping track, here's the list of where we should be at: 

In my defense, I had sort-of done some of these since the beginning of 2014 anyway, although most likely not in the "completed" sense they should be accomplished. As I said previously, I've never been all that good in taking strict direction in my activities. I'm good when things are "suggested," but not so good when they are set out as hard-and-fast chores. But no matter, I'm still feeling quite positive about my space. I've reduced a lot of the clutter and have begun to create an environment that I can call "home." And I'm sure to accomplish a few more tasks tomorrow anyway as the sensational S. is coming over for dinner and an evening of film viewing. (I told her that I preferred to crash at my abode on Sat. night since I want to get up early on Sunday to watch the final of the Australian Open, which I'm PVRing since the match starts at 3:30 am. I've committed myself to grilling some striploin on the BBQ, so I'll be braving the winter elements to cook the meat on my charcoal BBQ.) She hasn't stayed at my place for a number of weeks so I want to ensure it's nice and clean! Hey, maybe I'll even wear a sports jacket! (I write that for her benefit, in case she's reading this...)

I'm not much closer on buying a new couch, however. I've been somewhat slothful on the weekends - and busy with other non-home improvement activities as well, which is always good. It will happen, and soon. My current couch really does feel like its on its last legs (last fabric?). 

So not much new to report! I'm writing this on a Friday post-work, while nursing a beer and awaiting the start of Innis College's free film: they've promised a 35 mm print of the wonderful Sunset Blvd., so naturally I'm all over that! 

Oh, in other news, I'm off to Paris with the above S. (still sensational) for a week in May. My parents gave me some play money as a Christmas - it seemed silly to plow it into mutual funds, so two flights to Paris seems far more appropriate. I vowed I wouldn't travel again to Paris on my own, as I did a couple of years ago post-elbow break. I'm sticking to my word.

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