Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another appearance

If a man types a few words and sentences onto a web site – what the tech savvy call a "blog" - will anybody read? Or even care?

So I can't promise the inspiration and energy to write has completely come back, but it's bubbling close to the surface. The nerve endings are tingling, the fingers are itchy. The brain is feeling engaged and a light switch has been flicked in the brain. It's all good!

Why do I seemingly fall in and then out of love with writing? Why can't I continually be compelled to tap out these meagre words every day, rather than once every few days (or, in my case, every few months)? Is the requisite energy playing a game of mental hide and seek? Does it require I count to ten?

Anyway I'm hoping this is the rebirth. Stay tuned. I have much of my mind.

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